File Archive

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File size:
240 111 bytes (234.48K)
File date:
2011-04-30 23:03:12
Download count:
all-time: 1 001


  • planpad_v1_33/ dir
  • planpad_v1_33/ 0.98K
  • planpad_v1_33/ 235B
  • planpad_v1_33/planpad.exe 455.50K
  • planpad_v1_33/ 194B
  • planpad_v1_33/ 2.78K
  • planpad_v1_33/ 3.00K
  • planpad_v1_33/ 4.96K


$ inline("");

= Welcome to Planpad

Planpad is the fastest wiki using a markup language ever. See how the formatted text updates while you edit the markup.

And it can create PDF's. 

And it is very small and simple to install. Just put the  executable in an empty directory and start it!

Combine it with dropbox or subversion and you are ready for the cloud.

== Info

* Check at [>> ""] for updates.
* Made using Altona
* Thanks to the many users in and outside farbrausch who contributed with their suggestions
* Thanks to the many coders who contributed to Altona, especially ryg and kb.

== Credits

(c) 2011 Dierk Ohlerich a.k.a Chaos / Farbrausch 
* You may use this program for privately and commercially.
* You may give the original archive to others as long as you do not charge for it, not even a small copying fee.
* You must not spread this program without the original archive.
  ==== Links
  ~~ [> "index" planpad wiki]
  ==== Planpad
  ~~ [> "planpad_reference" Reference]
  ~~ [> "planpad_changelog" Changelog]
  ~~ [> "planpad_examples" Examples]
  ~~ [> "planpad_bugs" Bugs / Features]$ inline("");

= planpad - Bugs

= planpad - Feature Requests

* Bigger font for tabs. They are too small to hit with the mouse.
* Export images in PDF.
* Navbar$ inline("");

= Changelog =

== v1.33

&* opening tabs with MMB now works like in Firefox.
&* better image quality when scaling.

== v1.32

&* table elements with "[% !| a | b | c]"
&* click in empty table field will position cursor correctly. But will not display it.

== v1.31

&* changed the meaning of '& ' from unclear to blank
&* allow '&_123' to display a number without '%' character. '&123' still puts in a percent character.

== v1.30

&* automatically create sub-directories when saving pages

== v1.29

&* save as utf8 (option in file menu)

== V1.27

&* Fix searching with F3
&* fixed spell checking & bullet points
&* fixed spell checking & punctuation (like "xyxy." was not flagged as incorrect)
&* fixed TAB in text-editor
&* fixed click-shift-click selection
&* PDF: bugs with inner borders in nested tables 
&* PDF: improved rendering of boxes (rulers, background colors, ...)
&* restore page mode after generating PDF
&* PDF: kerning precision
&* proportional splitter windows

== V1.26

&* Improved Performance
&* fixed problem with cursor getting stuck in last line

== V1.25

&* fixed various text editor bugs

== V1.24

&* spell-checking
 you will need a dictionary!
 * enable for English: [% \[~en .. \]]
 * enable for German: [% \[~de .. \]]
 * disable temporarily: [% \[~ .. \]]
 * remember you can use the '!' line markup to switch globally:
   % \! ~en

&* edit user dictionaries: CTRL-'u'

&* add words only for this page:
  % \~+ .. 

&* switching layout with F1..F5, not TAB.
&* new option in view menu: ChapterFormfeeds 
   Switch off if you don't want form-feed for every top level chapter when in page mode (PDF).

== V1.21

&* '[% !I]' markup for table in table

== V1.20 ==

&* Fixed Table of Content

== V1.19 ==

The V1.18 version had some serious bugs, they are now fixed and I am happy again :-)

&* fixed headline of newly created pages
&* fixed a resource leak. (blank screen after some time)
&* fixed dual cursor in headlines

== V1.18 ==

This version changed how tabs work. Now every tab has it's own back-History.

The other major change is how planpad handles wiki's in different directories. It's reliable now. Remember that you can create a link to a wiki in a different directory with 
% [> "c:\otherdirectory\inalongpath!index.html" interwiki link]

&* File loading, Tabs, Interwiki and History fixed
&* pdf's und html's mit leerer startseite , wenn der tesxt mit headline anfängt [% = xxx =]
&* kein formfeed am anfang des dokumentes einfügen
&* paste in markierten bereich: danach geht der cursor nicht
&* back button should be per tab
&* back button & interwiki
&* start von programmen mit ">:" sollte neuen prozess starten, nicht auf beendigung des prozesses warten.

$ inline("");

= Fat Headline
== Medium Headline
=== Small Headline
==== Very Small Headline

A long paragraph:
line feed
does not start a new paragraph.

one or more empty lines start a paragraph.

normal [b bold] [i italics] [u underline] [s strikeout] [- smaller [- even smaller]] [+ bigger] [% code] [tc #ff0000 red] [bc #00ffff cyan]

image [img "test.bmp"] 

open document: [>> "" heise] 

execute shell: [>: "notepad.exe" notepad] 

wiki link: [> "index" index] 

# comment

= Tasks

This is just markup for pretty boxes. The symbol directly behind the '&' will determine the color and text of the right top field.

& Blank Task
  With some more information about what to do...
&_ Another blank task
&* Done Task
&o Current Task
&! Urgend Task
&- Blocked Task
&. Planned Task
&? Unclear Task
&> Next Task
&# Clear Task
&0 Task 0% done
&64 Task 64% done
&100 Task 100% done
&_123 Display number

% #include <stdio.h>
  int main()
    printf("hello, world!\n")
    return 0;

& Task level 1
&& Task level 2
&& Task level 2
&&& Task level 3

&/ hidden task

== misc. formatting

& nesting
  * block markup in a task
  & another task in a task.
  && See the difference between nesting '&' and using '&&'

---- ruler (text not displayed)

!b box
   * with something inside.

== Tables

% "!T cols"      ; table with border
  "!t cols"      ; table without border
  "!I cols"      ; table in table (border inside but not outside)
  "!T cols : weight weight .."      ; weighted width for columns
  "!i cols"      ; item in table
  "!| a|b|c"     ; multiple items, fills up the the end of row


!T 3 
 !i a 
 !i b 
 !i c 
 !i d 
 !i e 
 !i f

With Weights:

!T 3 : 2 1 1
 !i a 
 !i b 
 !i c 
 !i d 
 !i e 
 !i f
Table without border:

!t 2 1
 !i bla bla bal bla bla bla
 !i bla bla bal bla bla bla
    bla bla bal bla bla bla
    bla bla bal bla bla bla
    bla bla bal bla bla bla
    bla bla bal bla bla bla
you don't really need '!i' markup

!T 2
  * 1
  * 2
  * 3
  * 4 
  * 5
  * 6
  * 7
  * 8
    * 8a
    * 8b

you can also put multiple elements in one line.

!T 3
 !i 1
 !i 2
 !i 3
 !| 4 | 5 | 6
 !| 7 | 8 
 !| 10 || 12

different style for header

!T 2 2
  ! bc #c0c0c0 + b i
  !i a 
  !i b
  ! bc #ffffff - B I
  !i c 
  !i d 
  !i [i c] 
  !i d 
  !i c 
  !i d 
  !i c 
  !i d 

we can write that better using nesting:

!T 2 2
   ! bc #c0c0c0 + b i
   !i a 
   !i b
  !i c 
  !i d 
  !i [i c] 
  !i d 
  !i c 
  !i d 
  !i c 
  !i d 

table in table (the "[% !I]" markup create a table with lines inside but not outside)

!T 2
 !i bla
 !I 2
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
 !i bla
 !i bla

The above looks better than this:

!T 2
 !i bla
 !T 2
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
  !i table in table
 !i bla
 !i bla

$ inline("");

= Planpad Reference =

== text markup

text-markup is specified in nested square braces ('[' und ']'), and can be used everywhere in text blocks.

* [%[i ..]] italics
* [%[b ..]] bold
* [%[u ..]] underline
* [%[s ..]] strikeout
* [%[+ ..]] font larger
* [%[- ..]] font smaller
* [%[tc #xxxxxx ..]] text color
* [%[bc #xxxxxx ..]] back color
* [%[lc #xxxxxx ..]] line color (tables & stuff)
* [%[hc #xxxxxx ..]] headline color 
* [%[% ..]] code
* [%[fixedfont ..]] use courier new
* [%[propfont ..]] use arial
* [%[symbolfont ..]] use webdings
* [%[img "" ..]] image (bmp, png, jpg, pic)
* [%[>> "file.pdf" <..]] link to document
* [%[>: "format c:" ..]] execute shell code
* [%[> "index" ..]] link to *.wiki.txt
* [%[I ..]] italics
* [%[B ..]] bold
* [%[U ..]] underline
* [%[S ..]] strikeout
* [%[left ..]] block layout left aligned (only for "!" block markup)
* [%[right ..]] block layout right aligned (only for "!" block markup)
* [%[center ..]] block layout center aligned (only for "!" block markup)
* [%[block ..]] block layout justified aligned (only for "!" block markup)

* [%[~en ..]] enable spell-checking English
* [%[~de ..]] enable spell-checking German
* [%[~ .. ]] disable spell-checking

== Block Markup

Block markup is specified by special symbols at the beginning of a paragraph. 
Blocks can be nested by indentions.

* [% * ..] Bullet (list)
* [% = .. =] Headline, big, with form-feed
* [% == .. ==] Headline
* [% === .. ===] Headline, small
* [% ==== .. ====] Headline, smallest
* [% % ..] Code
* [% &* ..] Task
* [% >> "bla.pdf" ..] Link to document
* [% >: "format c:" ..] execute shell code
* [% > "index" ..] link to "*.wiki.txt
* [% $ ..] script, mostly undocumented
* [% $ inline("");] script: inline this file.
* [% ! ..] apply text markups for all following blocks in this nesting level.
* [% !t ..] Table without border
* [% !T ..] Table with border
* [% !I ..] Table in Table (border inside, not outside)
* [% !i ..] Table item
* [% !| .. | .. | ..] Multiple table items
* [% !title  ..] title for cover page of a book
* [% !img "bla.jpg"] image
* [% !break] page break
* [% !toc] insert table of context
* [% ~ ..] new line
* [% ~~ ..] new line without additional spacing
* [% <<<<<<<] svn conflict
* [% =======] svn conflict
* [% >>>>>>>] svn conflict
* [% +~ add words to spell checking dictionary, all languages.

== Other

=== Comments

All lines starting with '[% #]' are treated as comments.

=== File Names for Wiki Links

* All files will end with '*.wiki.txt', but you need not specify that in the link.
* A '[% !]' in the file name will change the directory permanently. This can be used to link to another planpad wiki.
* You can specify a headline with '[% #]' after the file name. When using the link the page will automatically scroll to that headline.
* You can use block markup or text markup for links


% [> "c:\temp\testwiki!index#news" bla]

* Change permanently to the directory "c:\temp\testwiki"
* Load file ""
* Scroll to headline "news"

=== images

You can specify size and alignment when loading images.

* [% !img 50% "bla.bmp"] # scale
* [% !img 64 "bla.bmp"] # pixel size
* [% !img 0 "bla.bmp"] # fit window

=== Tables

* [% !T 3] # 3 columns, same width
* [% !T 5] # 5 columns, same width
* [% !T 3 min] # 3 columns, as narrow as possible
* [% !T 2 : 3 1] # 2 columns, first one 3 times wider as the second one

=== Spell Checking

To use spell checking, you need a dictionary. create a directory called "spelldict" in 
the same place as the planpad executable. Put the files "dict_en.txt" and "dict_de.txt" 
with English and German words.

To enable spell checking, use the "~en" or "~de" text markup. You can add words to the 
dictionary using the "~+" block markup. 

Here is an example that will work even without the dictionaries:

% # add some words, only for this page

  \~+ hinter wenn fliegen nach

  # display a text with spell checking

  \[~de Wenn fliegen hinter fliegen fliegen fliegen fliegen fliegen nach.]

  # Btw: the above sentence is correct use of german language :-)

  # enable spell checking for the whole document

  \! ~de
  Wenn fliegen hinter fliegen fliegen fliegen fliegen fliegen nach.

== Keyboard Shortcuts

* CTRL-t:  Open new tab.
* CTRL-s:  Save. Planpad will save automatically quite often.
* CTRL-r:  Open referenced or inlined files.
* CTRL-f:  Incremental search.
* CTRL-u:  Edit user dictionary for spell checking.
* F3: Find next.
* SHIFT-F3: Find previous.
* Middle mouse click on link: Open in new tab.

== Config File

% FontSize = 0;
  EditFontSize = 0;
  SplitterPos = 539;
  SizeX = 1027;
  SizeY = 659;

== Command Line Switches

* [% filename] Open this file when starting.
* [% -font n] Override font size in layout window.
* [% -editfont n] Override font size in edit window.
* [% -splitpos n] Set splitter position.